控制器的內建電池可透過 PS4 USB 連接埠充電,方便您在遊玩同時輕鬆充電,毫無後顧之憂。 立體聲耳機組連接端 內建3.5mm 耳機聲音連接端,可讓您私自聆聽遊戲音效,感受每一次震撼人心的聽覺衝擊。 動態感測器 高度靈敏的內建加速儀與陀螺儀可偵測DUALSHOCK 4無線控制器的運動、傾斜和旋轉,帶來動感十足的暢快體驗。
DUALSHOCK 4無線控制器直接發出的音效可清晰傳達每一道細節,帶給您栩栩如生的遊戲體驗。 電力滿點,盡情暢玩 DUALSHOCK 4 控制器充電座 這款官方充電底座可同時為多達兩台DUALSHOCK 4無線控制器充電。 「PlayStation」、「PlayStation Family Mark」、「DUALSHOCK」和「PS4」皆為Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc.的註...
游戏机有了,配件当然不能少,在黑五期间果断下手了PS4白色无线手柄+双手柄充电器,一个手柄多么的孤单寂寞冷 所以一狠心,给它找了个老伴。。。于是就出现了这两个 [商品:DualShock 4 Wireless Controller for PlayStation 4 - Glacier White] [商品:PowerA DualShock 4 Controller Charging Station for PlayStati...
之后按住DS4的share键和PS键大约5秒左右,灯会开始闪烁,然后电脑上就会自动添加Wireless controller。此时就完成了配对。第三步:安装键位定位驱动完成第二步之后,打开之前第一步下载的文件夹,进入Virtual Bus Driver文件夹。双击ScpDriver.exe文件来进行安装。待安装完毕之后。双击ScpServer.exe文件进入如下界面。此时能...
【Clickable Touch pad of PS4 Controller�� The clickable touch pad on the face of the wireless controller for PS4 offers you a new way to play games. This controller supports click and tap functions to meet your needs. 【Third Party Controller�� This is third-party replacement, no...
Experience the thrill of gaming with YUOY Wireless Controller for PS4. Features a cool skull design!
Take charge of every moment with the sleek Jet Black DUALSHOCK®4 wireless controller for PS4™ consoles. Buy the iconic, official PlayStation®4 control... + more A micro USB cable is required to connect or charge the controller (sold separately). ...
Shop now for the Wireless Controller for PS4. Compatible with PS4 Slim, PS4 Pro, and Windows PC. Perfect for Street Fire gaming.
美国亚马逊 PlayStation 4 Pro Console 3 items Bundle:PS4 Pro 1TB Console,Extra PS4 Dualshock 4 Wireless Controller Jet Black wiht Mytrix Wall Charger: Video Games历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名 PlayStation 4 Pro Console 3 items Bundle:PS4 Pro 1TB Console,
:K ISHAKO For Sony Playstation 4 Wired Game Controller for PS4 Pro Double Vibration Joystick for DualShock 4 USB Gamepads PRODUCT PROPERTY:✨ 1: Choose from the brand of k ishako for our product.The sony model is playstation4.The type of our product is gamepads.The interface type is...