CtrlUI (Controller User Interface) is a Windows application, game and emulator launcher for your game controller, DirectXInput converts your game controller to a Xbox (XInput) controller, Fps Overlayer is a tool that shows the frames per second and the cpu, gpu and memory information. ...
I'm aware the emulator is in a very early stage but I think there should be a reported issue open. In this way, it can reach more developers. The first problem is related to the DualSense and DualShock 4 integration. These controllers work in the emulator, but they act like Xbox contro...
Virtual Xbox controller emulation✓[N 1]✓✓✓✗✗ Virtual DualSense emulation✗✗✗~✗✗ Virtual DualShock emulation✓[N 2]✓✗✓✗✗ Haptic Feedback~[N 3]~[N 3]~[N 3]✓✗✗ Adaptive Triggers✓✗✗✓✗✗ ...
It can create virtual/fake/emulated controllers, which DSX uses to spawn virtual Xbox and DS4 controllers. 2. HidHide The HidHide driver allows the user to “hide” gamepads from the system and make them detectable to only chosen programs in order to prevent the infamous double input issue...
If you have upgraded your PS4 controller to a newer DualSense, in order for it to work, you need to enable native imput through settings and run at the same time DS4Windows emulator in order to emulate an Xbox 360 controller. The game will recognize your DualSense now, but be warned, ...
Virtual Xbox controller emulation✓[N 1]✓✓✓✓✓✓✓ Virtual DualShock emulation✓[N 2]✓✗✓✓✗✗✓ Haptic Feedback~[N 3]~[N 3]~[N 3]✓✗~[N 3]✗✓ Adaptive Triggers✓✗✗✓✗✗✗✓ ...
CtrlUI (Controller User Interface) is a Windows application, game and emulator launcher for your game controller, DirectXInput converts your game controller to a Xbox (XInput) controller, Fps Overlayer is a tool that shows the frames per second and the cpu, gpu and memory information. game ...