在连接ps4和xsx无果后(必然的结果),他成功将Dualsense连接上了su**ce和安卓手机pixel 5。并云游了一把Forza Horizon4。(槽点太多,无从吐起)最后,为(丧)了(心)科(病)学(狂),的团队拆掉了这个Dualsense手柄,并成功弄坏了。对此,笔者认为:里边的那个PS5包装纸是给媒体评测才有的的吗 还有那个U...
Scopri il controller wireless DualSense, il nuovo e innovativo controller di PS5 con feedback aptico, grilletti adattivi e un nuovo design iconico.
外媒 The Verge 表示为了拍出尽可能好的照片,他用超细纤维布擦拭了很多次才总算清理干净。 重大变化的不仅仅只是游戏主机,PS5 还配备了全新的 DualSense 游戏手柄,对自初代 DualShock 手柄的设计进行了较大的改进。DualSense 依然具备熟悉的布局,但更大更重一些,背面有防滑纹理。顺带一提,纹理实际上由经典PlayStation...
Il tasto funzione può essere utilizzato su PC solamente per scambiare i profili presenti sul controller. Esperienze degli sviluppatori Scopri in che modo il controller wireless DualSense Edge può migliorare l'esperienza di gioco di alcuni dei ...
Stream compatible games from your PS5® or PS4™ console to your PC using the PS Remote Play App** and control them with the DualSense controller. The app requires an internet connection and account for PlayStation™Network (available for free atremoteplay.dl.playstation.net/remoteplay/)...
Stream compatible games from your PS5® or PS4™ console to your PC using the PS Remote Play App** and control them with the DualSense controller. The app requires an internet connection and account for PlayStation...
重大变化的不仅仅只是游戏主机,PS5 还配备了全新的 DualSense 游戏手柄,对自初代 DualShock 手柄的设计进行了较大的改进。DualSense 依然具备熟悉的布局,但更大更重一些,背面有防滑纹理。顺带一提,纹理实际上由经典PlayStation控制器图标的极小版本组成。同时,圆形的主页按钮已被剪切的 PlayStation 徽标代替。
重大变化的不仅仅只是游戏主机,PS5 还配备了全新的 DualSense 游戏手柄,对自初代 DualShock 手柄的设计进行了较大的改进。DualSense 依然具备熟悉的布局,但更大更重一些,背面有防滑纹理。顺带一提,纹理实际上由经典PlayStation控制器图标的极小版本组成。同时,圆形的主页按钮已被剪切的 PlayStation 徽标代替。
为纪念索尼PlayStation问世30周年,索尼公司近日发布了特别版PS5游戏机及其一系列配件。其中备受瞩目的30周年纪念款DualSense手柄国行版,已正式在京东平台亮相,标价为599元。 据悉,这款纪念版手柄采用了初代PlayStation的经典灰色调,并融入了彩色PS标志,作为对过去三十年辉煌历史的致敬。1994年,索尼PlayStation的问世在游戏...
We had a great opportunity with PS5 to innovate by offering game creators the ability to explore how they can heighten that feeling of immersion through our new controller. This is why we adopted haptic feedback, which adds a variety of powerful sensations you’ll feel when you play...