IT之家8 月 28 日消息,索尼宣布,玩家现在可以在 PC 上自定义 PlayStation 5 的 DualSense Edge 手柄。全新的 Windows“PlayStation 配件应用”已发布,允许玩家自定义按键映射、更改摇杆灵敏度、调整扳机死区等。 IT之家注意到,该应用取代了 2022 年推出的“DualSense 无线手柄固件更新器”应用,功能更强大,允许玩家...
Can be used just to send input from a controller to a PC. Go into Streaming options, hit△and disable video and audio streaming. Won't work great unless the streaming device is connected to LAN or a low latency Wi-Fi. The DualSense Edge is treated as a standard DualSense when used for...
Update firmware and fully edit existing control profiles stored on the controller, as well as create brand new ones, using the PlayStation Accessories app for Windows PC. Developer experiences Learn how the Dual...
Update firmware and fully edit existing control profiles stored on the controller, as well as create brand new ones, using the PlayStation Accessories app for Windows PC. Developer experiences Learn how the Dual...
Steam Deck 能识别出这是一枚「DualSense Edge」 希望索尼能尽快提供一套 PC 端专用的软件,让 Edge 也能有更多的应用场合、更加物有所值吧。 总结 DualSense Edge 可以称得上是 DualSense 的「究极进化版」,是一个让我「上手了就回不去」的产品。PS5 玩家可以毫无障碍地直接适应它的手感,原版出色的设计它都有...
Steam Deck 能识别出这是一枚「DualSense Edge」希望索尼能尽快提供一套 PC 端专用的软件,让 Edge 也...
【DualSense Edge评测】索尼互动娱乐将在1月26日正式推出首款高自定义手柄DualSense Edge,国行售价1599元。本次我们提前拿到了这款产品,带来了这篇体验报告,包含产品特性、摇杆灵敏度调整曲线、续航问题、PC支持与购买建议等内容。 °PS5专业手柄DualSense Edge试玩体验:拔高上... O抽奖详情 ...
While some games support the DualSense Edge automatically, you’ll typically need to use a third-party app like DS4Windows or Steam’s Big Picture Mode. Here’s how to use DualSense Edge on a PC with DS4Windows: Disconnect your DualSense Edge and turn it off. ...
Stream compatible games from your PS5® or PS4™ console to your PC using the PS Remote Play App** and control them with the DualSense controller. The app requires an internet connection and account for PlayStation™Network (available for free at
✨ 索尼再次为玩家们带来了一个还算有用的更新!他们正式将“适用于DualSense无线控制器的固件更新程序”更名为“PlayStation Accessories”,这一变化不仅是名字的改变,更意味着更多功能的解锁。💡 🎮 特别是对于PC玩家来说,这次更新绝对是一大福音!通过全新的PlayStation Accessories,玩家们可以使用DualSense Edge手柄...