如何将DualSense无线控制器与PC、Mac和移动设备配对使用 使用USB Type-C®连接线或Bluetooth®技术连接并在更多设备上畅玩,包括Windows PC、Mac®电脑、Android手机和iOS手机。 受支持的连接方法 蓝牙配对 USB连接 更新设备软件 兼容的游戏 与PS5主机重新连接 ...
需要與PC和Mac進行有線連接,才能使用耳機組連接端功能。與行動裝置不相容。 如何將DualSense無線控制器與支援的裝置配對 若是初次使用藍牙將支援的裝置與無線控制器進行配對,請開啟配對模式: 確認控制器上的玩家指示燈已熄滅。 若玩家指示燈處於亮起狀態,請按住PS按鈕直到指示燈熄滅為止。若控制器上有連接USB連接線,...
不过现在索尼推出了一款适用于Windows系统的固件更新工具,名为“Firmware updater for DualSense wireless controller”。该款固件更新工具可以在Windows 11和64位的Windows 10系统上使用,未来玩家想为DualSense无线手柄更新固件,使用USB-C线连接PC就可以了。虽然PlayStation 4的DualShock 4无线手柄在游戏玩家中拥有巨大的...
Controller won't vibrate in games with audio-based haptic feedback support Other information Technical information Input lag Firmware updates References Use with PC platforms•Link The DualSense is notable to have its device name changed between the controller's firmware updates. Controller with out-...
pcgamingwiki.com/wiki/Controller:DualSense#Games_with_adaptive_trigger_and_haptic_feedback_support ...
目前部分支持Dualsense手柄特性的PC游戏:[1]参考 ^来源于NGAhttps://bbs.nga.cn/read.php?tid=...
Now your controller is connected to your PC, but the experience isn't exactly seamless from here. Windows is designed to specifically work with one kind of input based on the Xbox Wireless Controller, so that's what most games support out of the box. Thankfully, there are solutions for th...
(I couldn't because Windows is reinstalling the latest version after restarting), tried to pair my other 3 DualSense controllers, updated Windows 11, installed that latest Windows 11 Bluetooth driver update (the one where they announce that they're gonna support DualSense controller even more to ...
DualSenseX DS5 Windows gamepad input mapper. Bring your dualsense controller to life on PC with Adaptive Triggers & Haptic feedback support.
Stream games from your PS5® or PS4™ console to your PC and other devices via the PS Remote Play App*** and play with the DualSense® controller. Discover more DualSense controller-supported PC games published by PlayStation® here. A gaming icon in your hands Enjoy a comfo...