Duality is a Dungeon that was added to Destiny 2 in the Season of the Haunted. It revolves around Eris Morn sending Guardians into the mindscape of Calus, only to find it a dangerous schism overrun with his Nightmares. Guardians must fight through...
The Duality Dungeon is a brand new endgame activity inDestiny 2that will need to be completed to earn seven new weapons, a new Exotic ship, armor, and more. Like all dungeons inDestiny 2, Duality contains three encounters that simultaneously contain puzzles to solve and bosses to defeat. Ad...
在命运2的二象性地牢直面你的梦魇 今天,Bungie发布了命运2的全新地牢:二象性。守护者将潜入流亡的卡巴尔卡鲁斯大帝敌对的心像空间,去竭力完成无畏的心智偷盗,并窃取他最黑暗的秘密。 守护者将有机会获得地牢特有战利品,例如全新传说护甲和武器,异域武器和催化,以及更多。 勇敢在宿怨赛季完成地牢的玩家将能通过Bungie商...