"Of all Hockett's design features, duality of patterning is the most misrepresented and misunderstood; in particular, it is frequently conflated with or linked toproductivity(Fitch 2010). Hockett seems to have regarded duality of patterning as the single most important breakthrough in the evolution...
C. Cognitive linguistics D. Sociolinguistics 33. A vowel is different from a consonant in English because of ___. A. absence of obstruction B. presence of obstruction C. manner of articulation D. place of articulation 34. The definition “the act of using, or promoting the use of, several...
the phoneme, does by definition not carry meaning. We will argue that semiotic systems with Duality of Pattering (like natural languages) force us to reconsider either the analogy between replicators in the biological and the cultural domain, or what it is to be a replicator in linguistics....