DualitybetweenTimeSeriesandNetworksAndrianaS.L.O.Ca m panharo 1,2,3 ,M.IrmakSirer 2 ,R.Dean Mal mgren 2,4 ,Fernando M.Ra mos 5 , Lu ´sA.NunesA maral ı 2,6,7 *1LaboratoryforComputingandAppliedMathematics,InstitutoNacionaldePesquisasEspaciais,Sa˜o Jose´ dosCampos,Sa˜o Pa...
Studying the interaction between a system's components and the temporal evolution of the system are two common ways to uncover and characterize its internal workings. Recently, several maps from a time series to a network have been proposed with the intent of using network metrics to characterize...
The relationship between structure and function is fundamental in complex systems1,2,3, and important efforts have been invested in developing network models to better understand it. In particular, models of dynamics on networks4,5,6,7have been proposed to assess the influence of network structure...
Finally, we provide evidence that predictability-reconstruction dualities may exist in dynamical processes on real networks close to criticality.Reconstructing the structure of a complex networked system and predicting its time evolution to understand its functions are usually two subjects that are treated ...
Social networks have been largely responsible for this revolution. Naturalness and spontaneity are the norm. A video recorded with a mobile phone in the kitchen at home can have more impact than a million-dollar production on a Hollywood set. Instagram, TikTok, and other platforms have shown us...
Tensor networks provide an efficient classical representation of certain strongly correlated quantum many-body systems. We present a general lifting method to ascribe quantum states to the network structure itself that reveals important new physical feat
However, given a configuration, computing the corresponding error can be very time-consuming and the task considered in this paper seeks to learn a mapping between configurations and error. This learning task is non-trivial, since the solution space precision-error is non-smooth and non-linear. ...
This non-locality of information storage within the hologram is crucial, because even if most parts are damaged, the entirety will be contained within even a single remaining part of sufficient size. Pribram and others noted the similarities between an optical hologram and memory storage in the hu...
If a full remote patchbay is being provided then the ducting between the console and the patch racks will need to be of sufficient size to accommodate the following numbers of cables: 24 channel remote patch will require 38 off 11mm diameter cables 48 channel remote patch will require 56 off...
A. N. Duality between time series and networks. PLOS ONE 6, 1–13 (2011). Article Google Scholar Kaiser, F., Böttcher, P. C., Ronellenfitsch, H., Latora, V. & Witthaut, D. Dual communities in spatial networks. Nat. Commun. 13, 7479 (2022). Article ADS CAS PubMed PubMed...