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dual-task paradigmlistening effortResponse time鈥揵ased dual-task paradigms are commonly adopted to measure behavioral listening effort. Most extant studies used an all-response approach that included secondary task responses under both correct and incorrect primary task responses during analysis. However,...
The dual-task paradigm is a behavioral procedure in which subjects are required to perform two different tasks simultaneously. The dual-task paradigm can involve a wide range of dual tasks, such as two speeded sensory-to-motor tasks, two perceptual tasks, two working memory tasks, or multiple ...
Dual-task paradigmBackground and Objectives Speech in noise (SIN) perception is essential for effective day-to-day communication, as everyday conversations seldom transpire in silent environments. Numerous studies have documented how musical training can aid in SIN discrimination through various neural-...
In the current study, cross-task interactions between number order and sound intensity judgments were assessed using a dual-task paradigm. Participants first categorized numerical sequences composed of Arabic digits as either ordered (ascending, descending) or non-ordered. Following each number sequence...
KeyWords:stutering;semanticprocessing;phonologicaIprocessing;interaction;dual—taskparadigm INTRODUCTlON Stutteringisawidespread}anguage productiondeficitafectingspeakersofalI languages.Stutteringisalsoaneurological disease,whichseriouslyafectsthephysical andmentalhealthofpatients.Revelationof thebarriermechanismwilIhelpIden...
deficit hypothesis, the internal modeling deficit hypothesis, as well as the mirror neuron hypothesis in explaining motor-cognitive trade-offs.SummaryThe dual-task paradigm represents an important tool for investigation of underlying mechanisms of motor disorders on both the neuronal and behavioral levels...
The dual-task paradigm has previously been used to investigate the attentional demands associated with postural control. Previous studies have identified b... A Remaud,Boyas, S??bastien,Y Lajoie,... - 《Experimental Brain Research.experimentelle Hirnforschung.experimentation Cerebrale》 被引量: 25...
The dual-task paradigm, which consists of the simultaneous performance of another activity while walking is an accepted way to evaluate the interaction between cognition and mobility [6]. Performance will be reduced on either the primary task, the secondary task or both if the cognitive load of ...
in the terminal stance and pre-swing region. During this region, the body has forward momentum. In addition, the changes in gait characteristics during dual-task throw correlate well with outcome measures in standardized cognitive tests. This study provides a new and engaging paradigm to analyze ...