A standard integrated A/V receiver has the dual task of both processing and amplifying audio signals, and is therefore susceptible [...] sentimenthifi.com 标准的集成A / V接收机的音频信号处理和放大的双重 任务 ,因此容易受到来自数字电路的噪声干扰。 sentimenthifi.com Other organizations chose or...
在一项双任务(dual-task)研究中,Baddeley 以国际象棋大师和新手为两组被试, 让他们完成回忆棋子位置和下象棋的任务, … www.docin.com|基于10个网页 2. 双重任务 对这一问题的研究大多是采用双重任务(dual-task)的方法,将保持直立姿势的稳定作为实验主任务,与姿势控制无直接关联的认知 … ...
Contracuarteto - Dual-Task
网络双任务范式 网络释义 1. 双任务范式 双任务范式(Dual-Task Paradigms)关心注意是如何在多个并行任务间起到指向和调节作用的。双任务范式的基本方法是:让… baike.baidu.com|基于4个网页
Dual-task language processing in persons who stutter: An FMRI study. In H. -G. Bosshardt, J. S. Yaruss, & H. F. M. Peters (Eds.), Stuttering: research, therapy, and self-help. Proceedings of the Third World Congress on Fluency Disorders, Nyborg, Denmark (pp. 53-58). Nijmegen:...
Multi Space - Dual Task 17+ Keep all private & safe Linh Dan Le Designed for iPad Free Offers In-App Purchases Screenshots iPad iPhone Description Welcome to Multi Space, a second space on your phone, secure and private. - Access multiple social network accounts at the same time, 2 ...
2. 220-244 0033-2909/94/$3.00 Dual-Task Interference in Simple Tasks: Data and Theory Harold Pashler People often have trouble performing 2 relatively simple tasks concurrently. The causes of this inter- ference and its implications for the nature of attentional limitations have been controversial...
《Visual Question Generation as Dual Task of Visual Question Answering》论文笔记 来自cvpr 2018 Motivation: VQG (Visual Question Generation)和VQA两个任务存在互补性,然而目前的研究都聚焦于单个任务。作者提出一个端到端的模型:Invertible Question Answering Network (iQAN),引入VQG任务,作为VQA的对偶任务,来...
简介 Welcome to Multi Space, a second space on your phone, secure and private. - Access multiple social network accounts at the same time, 2 accounts Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp... - A second file manager for you, storing files, images, videos in a private space that only you can ac...
Dual-task gait performance among community-dwelling senior women: the role of balance confidence and executive functions. Liu-Ambrose, T., et al., Dual-task gait performance among community-dwelling senior women: the role of balance confidence and executive functions. J ... Teresa,Liu-Ambrose,A...