URL: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dualmonitortool/files/dualmonitortool/2.8/DualMonitorTools-2.8.msi/download Status Code: 200 (Automated message - build 896) Collaborator stephengillie commented Oct 4, 2024 Close with reason: Package still available.; microsoft-github-policy-service bot closed...
Dual Monitor Tools v2.11 中文汉化绿色版 Dual Monitor Tools 是一个老牌免费开源的多显示器管理工具。 它提供了多显示器下窗口跳转、壁纸设置、屏幕保护、鼠标控制、屏幕快照捕获显示、魔法单词启动(输入关键词快速执行)、屏幕分割区域等功能。支持热键和命令行参数。 壁纸支持本地磁盘、bing 、unsplash和flickr网站,...
Ai Tweaker - Ai Overclock Tuner: XMP I Advanced - CPU Configuration - Intel (VMX) Virtualization Technology: Enabled - System Agent (SA)-Configuration - Graphics Configuration - iGPU Multi-Monitor: Disabled - PCH Storage Configuration - SATA6G_(1-4) Hot Plug: Enabled - Thunderbolt(TM) Config...
we designed an NMR-based experiment using Ub3or Ub3-D77 in which the endo Ub (unit 2) was15N-labeled (as in the MS-based assay), allowing us to simultaneously monitor in real time the signal intensities for the isopeptide NH group of K48 (Supplementary Fig.3a, red) and for G76 (...
1) Connect the monitor to either the DVI-D or HDMI port. 2) On the MSI BIOS logo screen keep pressing F11. 3) A window will appear. Select "Enter Setup" and press Enter. 4) You will see something like this: 5) Click on Settings >...