We present the definition and computational algorithms for a new class of surfaces which are dual to the isosurface produced by the widely used marching cubes (MC) algorithm. These new isosurfaces have the same separating properties as the MC surfaces but they are comprised of quad patches that...
图:左上-交点坐标和法向;右上-Marching Cubes算法;左下-Extended Marching Cubes算法;右下-Dual Contouring算法 Dual Contouring算法[Ju et al. 2002]也是经典的等值面提取算法,相比Marching Cubes算法,Dual Contouring算法利用Hermite数据(交点的位置和法向)进行等值面构建,它克服了Marching Cubes算法所出现的缺陷。具体...
Dual Marching Cubes Introduction Octree Generation Deriving the Dualgrid Contouring the IsosurfaceAfter the warmup with the well known algorithm Marching Cubes, a better one is described here, Dual Marching Cubes. First, an overview is given in the introduction, then step by step, the single ...
Dual Marching Cubes produces a crack-free, adaptive polygonalization of the surface that reproduces sharp features. Our approach maintains the advantage of using structured grids for operations such as CSG while being able to conform to the relevant features of the implicit function yielding much ...
grid,MarchingCubesexaminesthevaluesattheeightcor- nersofthecubeanddeterminestheintersectionofthesur- facewiththeedgesofthecube.ThenMarchingCubespro- vides a lookup table indexed by the sign configuration at the eight corners that yields the topology of the surface in- ...
We present a novel method that reconstructs surfaces from volume data using a dual marching cubes approach without lookup tables. The method generates quad only meshes which are consistent across cell borders, i.e., they are manifold and watertight. Vertices are positioned exactly on the ...
Finally, a deficit of Marching Cubes is that it is unable to represent "sharp features" - you will always end up with rounded corners. For many use cases this isn't a problem, but when adaptivity is introduced to reduce the polygon count this can become very significant....
.clang-format .gitattributes .gitignore LICENSE Makefile README.md common.props dmc.png dmc.sln dmc.vcxproj dmc.vcxproj.filters README BSD-3-Clause license dmc Dual Marching Cubes Implementation in C++ reference Features Header-only #include <dmc/dmc.hpp> ...
Marching Cubes tends to produce staircase-like artifacts, and most subsequent works focusing on exploiting signed distance functions as input also yield suboptimal results for occupancy functions. Based on Manifold Dual Contouring (MDC), we propose Occupancy-Based Dual Contouring (ODC), which mainly ...
Marching Cubes is easy to implement, and therefore ubiquitous. But it has a number of problems: Complexity Even though you only need process one cube at a time, Marching Cubes ends up pretty complicated as there are a lot of different possible cases to consider. ...