A dual-clock, edge triggered, flip-flop circuit wherein one set of outputs responds to two independent inputs without giving rise to indeterminate states regardless of the combination of inputs comprising a first pair of gates (1-2 or 11-12) cross-coupled to form a first trigger flip-flop...
原文链接:verilog实现双边沿触发器Dual-edge triggered flip-flop 最近在做HDLBits,做到双边沿触发器,觉得还挺有意思的,记录一下。 verilog不支持同时触发上边沿和下边沿,因为FPGA中只有单边沿触发器,没有双边沿触发器这种器件。 所以,posedge clk or negedge clk是无法综合的。 always @(posedge clk, negedge clk)...
功能描述DUALJKNEGATIVEEDGE-TRIGGEREDFLIP-FLOP Download4 Pages Scroll/Zoom 100% 制造商MOTOROLA [Motorola, Inc] 网页http://www.freescale.com 标志 类似零件编号 - SN54LSXXXJ 制造商部件名数据表功能描述 ON SemiconductorSN54LSXXXJ 135Kb/4PDUAL 1-OF-4 DECODER ...
SN54LS113AW 259Kb / 6P [Old version datasheet] DUAL J-K NEGATIVE-EDGE-TRIGGERED FLIP-FLOPS WITH PRESET More results 类似说明 - SN54LS113A 制造商 部件名 数据表 功能描述 National Semiconductor ... 54ACT112 357Kb / 8P Dual JK Negative Edge-Triggered Flip-Flop Fairchild Semiconductor 74...
Dual-edge triggered flip-flop 触发器分为单边沿触发器(SETFF)和双边沿触发器(DETFF)。相对于单边沿触发器,双边沿触发器在时钟的上升沿和下降沿均能采样数据。双边沿触发器的工作效率是单边沿触发器的2倍T7。 相对于单边沿触发器,输入信号相同时,双边沿触发器只需50%的时钟频率就可实现等效的...
Two Independent Negative Edge Triggered JK Flip-Flops Standard Pin Configuration High-Speed Operation Standard TTL Switching Voltages SN74AC74N, 74AC74PC or Equivalent Part Summary Manufacturer Various Manufacturer's Part Number 74AC74 Manufacturer's Web Site - Futurlec Part Number 74AC74 De...
逻辑类型: D-Type Edge Triggered Flip-Flop 极性: Inverting/Non-Inverting 输入类型: TTL 输出类型: TTL 传播延迟时间: 40 ns 高电平输出电流: - 0.4 mA 低电平输出电流: 8 mA 电源电压-最小: 4.75 V 电源电压-最大: 5.25 V 最小工作温度: 0 C 最大工作温度: + 70 C 安装风格: SMD/SMT 封装/...
HEF4027BT - The HEF4027B is a dual positive-edge triggered JK flip-flop featuring independent set direct (nSD), clear direct (nCD), clock inputs (nCP) and complementary outputs (nQ and nQ). Data is accepted when nCP is LOW, and transferred to the output
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