Khlif et al., “Kalman filter-based time-varying cortical connectivity analysis of newborn EEG” in Int. Conf. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC2011), Boston, US, 2011, pp. 1423-1426 Cite As Amir Omidvarnia (2025). Dual Extended Kalman Filter (DEKF) (https://www...
The estimator is realised using the dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) technique, which makes use of two Kalman filters running in parallel, thus 'splitting' the state and parameter estimation problems. Note that the two problems cannot be entirely separated due to their inherent interdependencies....
3) DEKF 双扩展卡尔曼滤波 例句>> 4) extended kalman filter 扩展卡尔曼滤波器 1. Application of extended Kalman filter to permanent-magnet synchronous motor control system; 扩展卡尔曼滤波器在永磁同步电机控制中的应用 2. Use of the Extended Kalman Filter to Improve the Delay Locked Loop IN ...
Figure 1: The Dual Extend Kalman Filter (DEKF). EKF1 and EKF2 represent the filters for the states and the weights, respectively. We nowhave EKFs for estimating both the states and the weights , resulting in a pair of dual extended Kalman filters (DEKF) run in parallel (see Figur...
As fouling tends to alter the HE dynamics, a dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) becomes the ideal technique to predict fouling along with the HE states concurrently. A modification in DEKF is proposed in this work to estimate the states of HE and fouling resistance (FR) using a linear ...
This paper discusses how to use the dual extended Kalman filtering (DEKF) for this dual estimation and how to use our proposing DEKF for removing some unimportant weights from a trained RNN. In our approach, one Kalman algorithm is used for estimating the state of the hidden layer, and one...
dualextendedKalmanfilter(DEKF)algorithmwaspro. posedtoachieveblindchanne1equalization.inwhich DEKFalgorithmrunstwoseparateEKFs:oneforchaotic signalsandtheotherforchannelcoefi cients[ .However. theEKFalgorithmonlyusesthefirstorderoftheT aylor series expansio n.It u su ally cau ses two problems:the hi...
Wu et al. [23] demonstrated a SOC estimation algorithm based on adaptive time-scale double extended Kalman filter (ATSDEKF), which achieved better SOC estimation results under different operating conditions and temperatures. However, the EKF algorithm performs Taylor expansion on the nonlinear system ...
3.4. Dual extended Kalman filter Being different from JEKF, DEKF estimates the state vector and unknown parameters by using two EKFs separately. The procedure of DEKF can be expressed by four steps. These are parameters prediction, states prediction, states correction, and parameters correction. At...
The estimator is realised using the dual extended Kalman filter (DEKF) technique, which makes use of two Kalman filters running in parallel, thus splitting the state and parameter estimation problems. Note that the two problems cannot be entirely separated due to their inherent interdependencies. ...