型号:CS 506 建设年份:1979 - 1980 德国制造 功耗:10瓦 技术数据 驱动方式:皮带 电机:SM 860-5(8极同步电机) 速度:33 1/3,45 转/分钟 同步波动:±0.07%/0.04%(DIN 额定/WRMS) 隆隆噪音距离:70 dB 转盘:304 毫米压铸铝,1.1 公斤 操作方式:半自动 ...
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4 Auxiliary Weights(500,750,1000g) 4 Counter Weights(1,2,5,10,20g) 2 Specimen holder and holding down ring 20 Glass Plates CS-10 Calibrase® Wheel set H-18 Calibrade® Wheel set S-11 Refacing Discs set 1 Auxiliary suction hose...
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RG-SAP750-SP Dual-radio indoor wireless access point Four spatial streams, peak data rate of 1.167 Gbps ● Radio 1: 2.4 GHz: two spatial streams, 2x2 MIMO, peak data rate of 300 Mbps ● Radio 2: 5 GHz: two spatial streams, 2x2 MU-MIMO, peak data rate of 867 Mbps ...
I'm trying different settings to set dual PC 4k60 gameplay recording. Looking for good quality, but within reason. Saw couple "lossless" tutorials on the web, but people get absolutely ridiculous files with 1 million bitrate, which is more than ProRes or other barely compressed codecs... ...
[Dual CPU] AMD EPYC 7543 与 MT6750V/CS 性能比较 [Dual CPU] AMD EPYC 7543 与 Pentium Dual-Core T4200 @ 2.00GHz 性能比较 [Dual CPU] AMD EPYC 7543 与 Qualcomm Technologies, Inc SM6375 性能比较 [Dual CPU] AMD EPYC 7543 与 ARM Cortex-A57 4 Core 2091 MHz 性能比较 [Dual CPU] AMD EPY...
Connect through an R-C filter to the phase-side of the channel 1 inductor. CS1N A Channel 1 current sense negative input. Connect through an Rg resistor to the output-side of the channel inductor. Filter the output-side of Rg with 100 nF (typ.) to GND. Doc ID 023992 Rev 1 9/59...
(eMIOS): up to 64 timed I/O channels with 16-bit counter resolution • Enhanced analog-to-digital converter system with: – 3 independent fast 12-bit SAR analog converters – 1 supervisor 12-bit SAR analog converter – 1 10-bit SAR analog converter with STDBY mode support • ...