Earn college credits in high school Pearson offers a range of Dual Enrollment options for high school students. These programs give students the opportunity to earn dual credit and complete general education requirements before they even begin their freshman year, setting them on a path to achievemen...
Experience EdisonLearning's Dual Enrollment Program. Empower your high school students with early college courses and provide a head start in their academic journey. Join the future of advanced learning today.
Dual Credit at Home gives high schoolers the opportunity to earn both high school and college credits at the same time! Our daily Study Plans guide students in taking accredited exams for college credit. Who knew that getting a head start on a college degree could be so easy? Online Work...
Dual credit, whereby high school students can earn both high school and postsecondary credits for the same course, is an area in which interest has grown rapidly over the past decade (Bailey and Karp 2003$ Clark 2001$ Education Commission of the States 2004). However, there has been no ...
Students build confidence as they develop an understanding of the academic environment and what to expect in the college classroom while simultaneously fulfilling high school graduation requirements. Earn credits and save costs Students in dual enrollment can potentially earn transferable college credits. ...
Dual Enrollment Courses for High School StudentsEarn College Credits While Still in High School It’s never too early to start thinking about life after high school. And whether you’re heading to college or straight into a career, high school is the time to explore your interests and ...
With a few college credits under their belt, students may be more inspired to go for a college degree since it’s closer in reach. Dual-credit courses can also build confidence in students who were on the fence about college without requiring them to take a high-stak...
Non-US Student Login Admins Admin / Third Party Login Platform Power of the Network International K-12 Records Management SENDedu Higher Education Issuing Admissions & Enrollment Student Mobility Government Statewide Initiatives High School Equivalency ...
Dual credit courses are used to recruit high school students by offering college level credit in classes they take during their high school experience. For this study, the subjects consisted of freshmen students attending a mid-sized regional Tennessee university. This research explores the transition...
We analyzed a nationally representative dataset to disaggregate the influence of dual enrollment course-taking (i.e. participation, dual credits in Math/Science, number of dual credits) on students' STEM major selection, with a focus on traditionally underrepresented students in STEM. We found that...