(run intersection tests after contouring) This produces a test.ply file that can be viewed with meshlab. $ meshlab test.ply When running with --nointer the --test should obviously(?) return zero intersections. --- Original readme:http://www1.cse.wustl.edu/~taoju/http://sourceforge.net...
The code can take in two kinds of input: .dcf (Dual Contouring Format) and .sog (Signed Octree with Geometry). Both formats store an octree grid with inside/outside signs. DCF contains intersection points and normals on grid edges, whereas SOG contains a single point location within each ...
PyTorch implementation of Neural Dual Contouring. Contribute to czq142857/NDC development by creating an account on GitHub.
Copy occupancy_dual_contouring.py into your directory, and run as follows: import torch def implicit_function(xyz): # xyz: torch.Tensor (N, 3) torch.float64 # return: torch.Tensor (N,) torch.float64 # example return torch.norm(xyz ** 3, dim = 1) - 0.1; from occupancy_dual_contou...
IsoMesh is a group of related tools for Unity for converting meshes into signed distance field data, raymarching signed distance fields, and extracting signed distance field data back to meshes via surface nets or dual contouring. - EmmetOT/IsoMesh
Just like with Marching Cubes, you can combine the dual methods with octrees to introduce some adaptivity - this is explained in the original paper, or the Dual Marching Cubes paper shows how you take each of the quads output from your Dual Contouring and apply Marching Cubes to those. The...
As the PMI-70 dataset was originally used by the radiation oncologist for manual contouring, it was defined as reference PMI in the further analysis. In general, the DSC between the manual and automatic contour was maximal when the MA method used PMI datasets of the lowest energy (i.e. PMI...