图:左上-交点坐标和法向;右上-Marching Cubes算法;左下-Extended Marching Cubes算法;右下-Dual Contouring算法 Dual Contouring算法[Ju et al. 2002]也是经典的等值面提取算法,相比Marching Cubes算法,Dual Contouring算法利用Hermite数据(交点的位置和法向)进行等值面构建,它克服了Marching Cubes算法所出现的缺陷。具体...
The main gotcha with Dual Contouring is that if you use the hermite data you can end up with the vertices being outside the cell that they belong to, which can then result in self-intersecting geometry. The fact that there's only one vertex per cell, in certain cell configurations, can...
Dual Contouring solves these problems, and is more extensible to boot. The trade off is we need to know even more information aboutf(x)f(x), the function determining what is solid and what is not. Not only do we need to know the value off(x)f(x), we also need to know the gradi...
(Fig.2c). The reconstruction is then similar to that used in other techniques for digital holography. For a Fresnel hologram, the hologram is multiplied by a chosen reference wave and an inverse Fresnel transform computes the backpropagation at any depth of interest. Figure2dshows reconstructed ...
Based on Manifold Dual Contouring (MDC), we propose Occupancy-Based Dual Contouring (ODC), which mainly modifies the computation of grid edge points (1D points) and grid cell points (3D points) to not use any distance information. We introduce auxiliary 2D points that are used to compute ...
CHIP FINING DEVICE WITH DUAL CONTOURING PROCESSINGPURPOSE: To quickly and effectively fine chips by dual contouring.FUKUDA ISAO福田功OOMI MAKOTO大参誠
Contouring and iso-surface extraction Maximum intensity or other projections Vector and tensor visualization Save time with automatic segmentation Pre-processing clears your data of artifacts, noise and misalignments. Automatic segmentation uses Machine Learning models to automate repetitive tasks for maxim...
Contouring and iso-surface extraction Maximum intensity or other projections Vector and tensor visualization Save time with automatic segmentation Pre-processing clears your data of artifacts, noise and misalignments. Automatic segmentation uses Machine Learning models to automate repetitive tasks for maximu...