dual-class common stock专业释义 <证券> 双重普通股词条提问 欢迎你对此术语进行提问>> 行业词表 石油纺织轻工业造纸采矿信息学农业冶金化学医学医药地理地质外贸建筑心理学数学机械核能汽车海事消防物理生物学电力电子金融财会证券法律管理经贸人名药名解剖学胚胎学生理学药学遗传学中医印刷商业商务大气科学天文岩土工程测绘...
"Voting rights and market reaction to dual class common stock issues". The financial review. Febrero. Pag. 275-287. 1995.Vot- ing rights and market reaction to dual class common stock is- sues". Shum,C.M,W.N Davidson,J.L.Glascock. The Financial Review . 1995...
The European Union's Proposed Takeover Directive, the "Breakthrough" Rule and the Swedish System of Dual Class Common Stock ass Common Stock]]>The European Union's Proposed Takeover Directive: the "Breakthrough"Rule and the Swedish System of Dual Class Common Stock, Artículo... R Skog - ...
原文:C. Berkshire’s Dual Class:Thwarting Clones At the Annual Meeting you will be asked to approve a recapitalization of Berkshire, creating two classes of stock. If the plan is adopted, our existing common stock will be designated as Class A Common Stock and a new Class B Common Stock w...
SK Lee, DT Officer, JN Rimbey, RR Weaver - Financial Review, 1987 - onlinelibrary.wiley.com Additional Information. How to Cite. Lee, SK, Officer, DT, Rimbey, JN and Weaver, RR (1987),IMPACT ON SHAREHOLDER WEALTH FROM PARTITIONING COMMON EQUITY: THE CASEOF DUAL CLASSES OF COMMON STOCK....
It is also possible that going forward, if the introduction of the Dual-Class Share system with respect to venture businesses is proven to be effective, such system may be introduced with respect to ordinary non-listed joint stock companies through amendments to relevant laws, including the KCC....
by the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). Its governors were bothered about certain tendencies in modern corporate practice, including: “The creation of two classes of common stock between which the only substantial difference lies in the fact that one class votes while the other class does ...
dual class 美 英 un.双重船级 网络不能改职;双轨;牛卡计划 英汉 网络释义 un. 1. 双重船级 释义: 全部,双重船级,不能改职,双轨,牛卡计划
AN EMPIRICAL EXAMINATION OF THE DIFFERENCES IN THE RATES OF RETURN BETWEEN THE SUPERIOR CLASS AND THE RESTRICTED CLASS OF CORPORATIONS WITH MULTIPLE CLASSES OF COMMON STOCK A model is presented which attempts to quantify the contributions to the difference in the mean rates of return between the su...
Stock Pyramids, Cross-Ownership, and the Dual Class Equity: The Creation and Agency Costs of Seperating Control from Cash Flow Rights This paper examines common arrangements for separating control from cash flow rights: stock pyramids, cross-ownership structures, and dual class equity str... L ...