Windows/Linux Dual-Boot,分区大小调整 LeonMSH 电子科技大学 电磁场与微波技术硕士之前电脑安装的Win10/ Ubuntu 双启动,总的硬盘大小480G,最初是大概每个系统对半分配的,到目前Ubuntu不太够用了,Win10又很少用,因此一直想调整一下分区,基本想法是压缩Win10的分区,多余的分配给Ubuntu。
现在进入先前解压后得到的文件夹(我的在/opt/software/redis-5.0.5),复制配置文件redis.conf到/etc/redis/下,并用vi命令编辑该文件,将“daemonize no”修改为“daemonize yes”,即设置成作为后台进程运行,修改完成后保存退出。 复制移动(需要先建立redis文件夹):
First I am new to linux system only work with windows now i try to use Linux OS. Firstly, I can dual boot windows and ubuntu without any problem. But when I try ubuntu and redhat there are a lot of problem with the bootloader. I have 2 hard drives, first
By default, Windows useslocaltime, but Ubuntu uses UTC. So you get the different time in the dual boot. And the solution is set the same time standard in the two systems. Method 1.) Set RTC to local time zone in Ubuntu: Though it’s not recommended, set theReal Time Clock(RTC) to...
Installing UbuntuNow in Windows run the same command as beforeshutdown.exe /r /o /f /t 00This will bring up the following options, choose “Use a Device”In that use “Boot Menu”If you have done everything right the machine will restart and offer a boot menu with your USB thumb ...
linux installation tutorial on windows, disable the system quick boot and in the disk manager, create the partition to install linux. now you will need a usb stick and an iso exclusively x64bis. iso, download this link: so le...
- f2进入bios后disable secure boot (不然nvidia的driver安装会失败) 开始安装ubuntu 16.04: - ultraiso制作启动盘 - f12选择u盘启动 - 选择try而不是直接install - partition那里要自己选择: /boot (~600 MB), /swap (~ 3 GB), / (~30 GB) & /home (500-3-30=467 GB) ...
如何使用Ubuntu20.04lts 64位安装在256 Gig SSD上和Ubuntu 16.04lts 32位安装在320 Gig上进行双引导。 我目前已经有20.04.3lts安装在256 G的SSD和有一个备用的SATA 320 G硬盘可用。我正忙着在HDD上安装Ubuntu16.04lts 32位,并假定grub将检测到设置并提供双引导选择。 我需要运行32位版本的操作系统,以便能够运行...
before ubuntu installation. problem now is i can't even able to enter the bios or boot menu(f2 or f12 key) while booting to windows after system restart ot power off and power on. what is that setsupervisorpassword and where to it set it to disabl...
在ubuntu下适配一下环境,装一下 adb 和 fastboot sudoapt-getinstallandroid-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot 然后获得脚本,官方教程有够坑的,说这个开源可以自己看内容 wget 赋予一下权限,就可以运行了