【多模态论文阅读】Incomplete Cross-modal Retrieval with Dual-Aligned Variational Autoencoders 小袁不圆 NULL32 人赞同了该文章 摘要 2020 MM 原论文是解决跨模态检索中模态缺失的问题。 在示意图中,一些训练样本是完全模态数据,例如白马的样本,而一些是不完全模态数据,例如钢琴和高尔夫的样本。为了解决模态缺失...
Here, we propose scButterfly, a versatile single-cell cross-modality translation method based on dual-aligned variational autoencoders and data augmentation schemes. With comprehensive experiments on multiple datasets, we provide compelling evidence of scButterfly's superiority o...
引用格式:Xie Z, Ma S. Dual-View Variational Autoencoders for Semi-Supervised Text Matching[C]//IJCAI. 2019: 5306-5312. 说明:关于这篇论文的阅读可能只停留在任务的了解以及模型中关于dual-view variational autoencoder的理解 摘要翻译 两个文本序列(通常是两个句子)的语义匹配是nlp的一个基本问题。以往...
This is the Pytorch implementation for our SDM 2024 paper: Zhiqiang Guo, Guohui Li, Jianjun Li, Chaoyang Wang, Si Shi. DualVAE: Dual Disentangled Variational AutoEncoder for Recommendation. In SDM 2024. Paper Data The interaction data is shared at data/. Training logs and models The logs and...
$$\begin{aligned}{} & {} \quad \beta =1-\alpha \end{aligned}$$ (8) In the dual-channel autoencoder, the feature fusion method is shown in Eq. (7), where \(F_{1}\) and \(F_{2}\) represent the extracted key region feature and global contextual feature from two encoders,...
including variational autoencoder (VAE)-based models8, generative adversarial network (GAN)9, normalizing flows10,11,12,13and diffusion models14,15. By adopting generative models, current machine learning methods10,11,16,17,18,19start from learning the underlying distribution of molecules and yield...
Similarly, [18] proposes a variational autoencoder-based anomaly detection model that enhances model accuracy by reducing dataset complexity. These studies show that reducing dataset complexity lowers computational resource consumption and enhances the model’s generalization and detection accuracy. Therefore,...
Generative adversarial networks (GANs) (Goodfellow et al., 2014), variational autoencoders (VAEs) (Kingma and Welling, 2013), and diffusion models (Ho et al., 2020, Dhariwal and Nichol, 2021) are used to synthesize plausible images. In particular, GANs offer significant advantages in terms ...
This paper introduces an innovative integration of transformer models with ariational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial networks (GANs), with the aim of addressing them within the ZSL framework. The choice of VAE-GAN is driven by their complementary strengths: VAEs are proficient in...
Zhiqiang Guo, Guohui Li, Jianjun Li, Chaoyang Wang, Si Shi. DualVAE: Dual Disentangled Variational AutoEncoder for Recommendation. In SDM 2024. Paper Data The interaction data is shared at data/. Training logs and models The logs and parameters are shared at log/ and models/, respectively. ...