#Hit演出# @LiveNation 宣布,Dua Lipa将于2018年9月登陆上海和广州带来个人演唱会,广州站将于9月11日在中山纪念堂举行,票价为380/580/780/980,7月17日(周二)上午10点开启预售;上海站于9月12日在国家会展中心(上海)虹馆EH举行,票价为480/680/980,将于7月20日上午10点(周五)开启预售。LLiveNation的秒拍...
身着露背白色礼服,搭配闪亮的细节和匹配的厚底高跟鞋出席2018年综艺Hitmakers早午餐。 2018年戛纳NRJ音乐奖颁奖典礼上,杜瓦·利帕在红地毯上 2018年MTV欧洲音乐奖 穿着豹纹迷你裙出席2018年GQ年度最佳男士颁奖典礼 Dua Lipa穿着这件紧身的白色礼服,绝对令人眼花缭乱。 2019年Mnet亚洲音乐奖颁奖典礼上,Dua Lipa穿着一...
During Dua Lipa's break with Isaac, she was linked with one of the hunkiest stars in the music industry.Calvin Harriscollaborated with Dua on the hit single 'One Kiss', and it was claimed that the musical link up could have also been a romantic one. A source at the time revealed, “...
Finishing off her night with a celebratory bang, the 22-year-old musician topped off her evening with a girls-only, neon-lit blowout performance of her hit single, "New Rules." Donned in a colorful floral crop jacket above a one-piece to match, Lipa and her girl gang arrived dressed fo...
However, this recognition was only brief and Lipa faded back into obscurity shortly after. In July of 2017, Lipa released her hit single “New Rules,” which marked her stratospheric rise to stardom. “New Rules” quickly rose to number one on the Billboard charts after its release, and ...
began to post the cover video on YouTube at the age of 14, and became a global sensation at the age of 22 with her "anti-scum" singleNew Rules. With both talent and beauty, Lipa has really achieved a lot, attracting millions of fans after her b...
简介:第61届格莱美 啪姐Dua Lipa 获得最佳新人 00:28 Dua Lipa演唱会主办方回应打人事件—早班机 发布时间:2018-09-17 类型:综艺内地 简介:Dua Lipa演唱会主办方回应打人事件—早班机 00:51 Dua lipa演唱会主办方回应打人事件:已依法处罚 发布时间:2018-09-16 ...
AceShowbiz- The complete nomination list for the upcoming BRIT Awards has been revealed.Dua Lipaleads the pack with five nominations this year, including British Breakthrough Act and British Album of the Year for her debut effort "Dua Lipa". Her hit song "New Rules" is in the running for ...
推薦人:Hit Fm聯播網-中部RELAX DJ/ Erin 星期一到五 14:00~16:00 中台灣廣播電台FM91.5 憑藉專輯《Future Nostalgia》奪下葛萊美最佳流行演唱專輯獎的Dua Lipa、無庸至疑的成為新一代女歌手中的唱跳代表。每一次出場總是光鮮亮麗、驚豔四座,Dua Lipa不只皎好的外型身材,穿搭上也總能駕馭各種別出心裁的...