For this reason, Islam, as a perfect and caring religion, recommends when Muslims face mental challenges such as anxiety or depression, simply hope for peace from Allah SWT and reciting dua to get rid of excessive anxiety and fear. This is as explained in Quran Al-Fath: 4. Therefore, it ...
Dua for Getting Pregnant | Dua for Conceiving (English and Arabic) Hafiz UmerMarch 10, 2023 The Dua To Get Pregnant In Islam has been recognized as a potent prayer that has aided numerous couples who ... Dua Dua for anxiety and depression (English & Arabic Translation) ...
Because they are children that you could save just as easily as you could save that child in the pond in front of you. 因为你可以拯救这些儿童,正如你可以拯救那个,掉落池塘的小孩一样简单。 We'v e shown that learning optimism prevents depression and anxiety in children and adults, roughly halvi...
Whole grain means all the parts of the grain kernel -- the bran, germ and endosperm -- are used, allowing for a more nutritious product compared to foods made with refined grains. Whole-grain foods contain nutrients, fiber, and other healthy plant compounds found naturally in grain. According...
Meaning | Significance | Types of Sujood | In the Qu’ran | Dua for Sujood | Benefits | Tips Sujood (or prostration) is an important movement in Islamic prayer (Salah) that all Muslims preform each time they pray. It’s a beautiful, special act that shows humility and submission to Al...