What greater happiness is there than your patient leaving an implant treatment smiling. Through a truly integrated workflow, DTX Studio Implant in collaboration with your DTX Studio Lab partner allows you to obtain a provisional prior to the day of surgery. Once implants are placed and the provisi...
"I cannot say enough about the DTX Studio Implant software. This software has been transformed to an amazing and appealing tool in digital dentistry. I use it for every patient to achieve a safe and predictable surgical and prosthetic outcome. I would recommend the DTX Studio Implant software ...
What greater happiness is there than your patient leaving an implant treatment smiling. Through a truly integrated workflow, DTX Studio Implant in collaboration with your DTX Studio Lab partner allows you to obtain a provisional prior to the day of surgery. Once implants are placed and the provisi...
DTX Studio Implant Plan implants for major implant systems according to the patient’s anatomy and prosthetic requirements during the first visit. Turn the plan into reality by using a surgical template or 3D navigated implant surgery. DTX Studio Lab The software is open for main intraoral and...