四、再回到config tab,点击FFDShow Audio config进入设置界面,在输出一栏的源码输出(S/PDIF,HDMI)选项处把AC3和DTS勾上,点确定保存,至此设置完成,当你发现播放电影的时候,WMP的音量控制失效,就说明硬解成功了。发布于 2018-09-04 12:17 播放器 Microsoft Windows ...
Free download dts media player software Files at Software Informer. M4a/Flac/Ogg/Ape/Mpc Tag Support Plugin adds support for various additional...
DTS 不是技术问题不支持, 而是专利问题不支持, 就像手机的mxplayer 也是官方不支持, 但是下载第三方解码...
Media Player Classic是可以播放DTS的,你下载一个新的版本试试拉!如果不行的话就下载WINDVD来播!
【210204】飞猪..使用飞猪播放器Pigasus VR Media Player播放下载好的4K电影没有声音,去飞猪官网看,发现是可以支持杜比音频DTS的,因为版权的原因,可以自己创建包含杜比音效的自定义libVLC库,
dts 播放软件VLC Media Player 本站是提供个人知识管理的网络存储空间,所有内容均由用户发布,不代表本站观点。请注意甄别内容中的联系方式、诱导购买等信息,谨防诈骗。如发现有害或侵权内容,请点击一键举报。
Start your free trial and hear the difference for yourself.Top 3 DTS Players Reviews Actually, Windows Media Player, VLC, DivX Plus Player, etc and many media players with certain plugin support DTS. But they do not become the best ones as DTS requires a professional and excellent DTS ...
Java documentation for android.media.MediaParser.PARAMETER_TS_ENABLE_HDMV_DTS_AUDIO_STREAMS. Portions of this page are modifications based on work created and shared by the Android Open Source Project and used according to terms described in the Creative Commons 2.5 Attribut...
Although Tidal does playback Atmos tracks through 5.1 if you have it linked to your Plex account and play it back through the Windows Plex Media Player. Plex via a web browser does not playback in 5.1. The "Plex for Windows" (not Server), which is on the Microsoft Store or downloadabl...
Mac Blu-ray Player最初只在蘋果電腦上支援DTS5.1。但是現在,它還可以支援PC系統,而且可以保證其高品質的輸出DTS5.1音訊。