I'd like to get an idea of the monthly cost for a 36 month lease, 15,000 miles per year - I am eligible for GMS through my employer, so the cost would be $48,2XX - Car would be registered in NY, so 8.625% tax - Would like to put almost nothing down, and wanted to see ...
我试着在2022-08-01之后运行所有的东西,看看是否有坏的数据,但是它运行得很好,没有错误。不知道为什么它在2022-07-01运行时失败了。 当我检查记录失败的地方后,我没有发现任何异常,而且它得到了当我运行它从8-1,所以我认为排除坏的数据。 下面是来自OLEDB源的SQL: 代码语言:j...
and deployment of microgrid (solar and battery) electric vehicle charging. Additional battery-electric yard trucks and day cabs will be deployed across multiple fleets. Its goal is a 50% reduction in grams-per-mile of CO2 by 2035 as compared ...