Our high quality comparator test kits and reagents are available in a wide range of parameter specific options to suit many analytical requirements. Each self contained kit is housed in its own rugged carry case and comes complete with Lovibond CHECKIT® comparator, test cells, reagents and if...
Test Kits Test Instruments Photometers Test Strips & Reagents Microbiology Downloads About Us AQUALX APPAn overview of the app functions Creation of any number of users, customers, or measuring locations. Integrated data management. Sorting and representation of measurements according to sampli...
TI does not test all parameters of each EVM. User's claims against TI under this Section 2 are void if User fails to notify TI of any apparent defects in the EVMs within ten (10) business days after delivery, or of any hidden defects with ten (10) business days after the defect has...
Developers who sent their Developer Transition Kits to Apple are now receiving digital vouchers worth $500, a credit for returning what the company deems "leased" equipment. Apple officially recalled the DTKslast week, saying developers who took part in the Universal App Quick Start Program would...
I have a fair bit of doubt that this individual would have received their DTK prior to WWDC. Let’s assume you are correct and there was DTKs in the wild. These individuals would have a higher level of NDA than WWDC DTK release kits, right? So then someone stated they...
If you are testing for water on a regular basis we are able to support your needs. We specialise in assembling professional test kits to our customers specification and offer an own labelling service to further enhance your on site works....
A high quality multi-parameter meter which allows probes to be left in the meter at all times. Meter can be enabled to measure a range of parameters by ordering the appropriate probe. Meter supplied with ATC, Conductivity/TDS and pH Probes. ...
Filter paper colouration after the SDI test: i) Slightly yellow The possible problem could be presence of iron and/or organics in feed water. Check the source. ii) Reddish brown Positive indication of presence of iron in feed water. Take corrective steps for removal of iron. ...
If you are testing for water on a regular basis we are able to support your needs. We specialise in assembling professional test kits to our customers specification and offer an own labelling service to further enhance your on site works....