P/BV, a ratio used to compare book value to its current market price, to gauge whether a stock is valued properly.Neutral Price to Earnings: PE, the ratio for valuing a company that measures its current share price relative to its earnings per share (EPS).Outperform ...
Markets change, but our community always has the latest news, in-depth analysis, and powerful stock ratings. Continue with Google Continue with Apple or Create Free Account By creating an account using any of the options above, you agree to the Terms of Use & Privacy Policy DTJXX Dreyfus ...
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市场透视02/20 16:15 光大银行2月19日获融资买入7204.44万元,融资余额12.34亿元 新浪证券-红岸工作室02/20 09:14 2月LPR报价出炉:5年期和1年期利率均维持不变 财联社02/20 09:07 存量房贷调降后,部分银行存量消费贷利率也“降息”?真相来了:系浮动利率定价合同 智通财经02/19 21:37 ...
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q.stock.sohu.com2024-04-16 02:24 龙洲股份:公司旗下福建龙洲运输集团有限公司为响应国家号召,根据省交通运输厅印发《福建省农村客货邮融合发展试点县考核方案》,参与了以县级行政区为单位的试点示范 同花顺(300033)金融研究中心12月15日讯,有投资者向龙洲股份(002682)提问, 董秘您好!公司在新型城镇化建设工程...