ImagingJoannaImagingAllsopImagingWileyMagnetic Resonance in MedicineJiang S, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of the brain in moving subjects: application to in-utero fetal and ex-utero studies. Magn Reson Med 2009;62 (3):645-55.
locate the file dwi.nrrd in the dataset folder -> Drag and drop the file dwi.nrrd onto the viewer -> load the dataset to Slicer -> 3D Slicer displays DWI volume of the brain -> Modules menu and select the module Volumes -> baseline image corresponds to the DWI Component #0. Select ...
However, fiber tracking can identify most of the brain's white matter tracts. In this image, the arcuate fasciculus has been tracked, between Broca's and Wernicke's areas of language. Fiber tracking Limitations The diffusion tensor imaging model assumes that, in each voxel, there is a ...
ObjectiveTo analyze the clinical value of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) in the diagnosis of malignant tumors of the brain. MethodsA retrospective analysis on 57 patients with brain malignant tumors (all confirmed by surgery and pathological examination) in our hospital from March 2015 to February ...
Prominent among these are the thalamus, the brain stem and the default mode network, which is part of the consciousness system. Our study used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) to evaluate these brain regions in patients with three different types of epilepsies that are associated with altered ...
nodesandedges,aswellasthenetworkanalysismethod.Then,applicationofDTIconnectomesin severalclinicalbraindiseases(Alzheimer’sdisease,schizophrenia,multiplesclerosis,etc)areexplored. Keywords:MRI;connectomes;diffusiontensorimaging;graphtheory [中图分类号]R197.39[文献标志码]A ...
BACKGROUND: Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is a recent MRI technique demonstrating white matter tracts in the brain. Dementia is a neurodegenerative disease and this method has been used to demonstrate the loss of axonal fibers and myelin and decrease of fiber density in this condition. PURPOSE:...
3. Price SJ, Burnet NG, Donovan T, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging of brain tumors at 3T : a potentiol tool for assessing white matter tract invasion. Clinical Radiology, 2003, 58: 455-462. 4. 梁英魁,肖新兰,龚良庚. 表观扩散系数和各向异性分数在星形...
3. Price SJ, Burnet NG, Donovan T, et al. Diffusion tensor imaging of brain tumors at 3T : a potentiol tool for assessing white matter tract invasion. Clinical Radiology, 2003, 58: 455-462. 4. 梁英魁,肖新兰,龚良庚. 表观扩散系数和各向异性分数在星形细...