下列哪项不是 DTH 反应的结果 ? ★《新华日报》曾发表一篇题为 《两岸 “三通”:三十载期盼一朝梦圆》的文章。文章说:今天,凝聚着三十载殷殷期盼的两岸海运直航、空运直航以及直接通邮正式启动,两岸同胞魂牵梦禁的直接“三通”基本实现,海峡两岸交流往来由此迈人“天堑变通途〞的全新境界。这篇报道刊发年份为...
Combining the second stage project of zhong jun-si ji kang cheng in Nanan city,this paper introduces The DTH hammer with long spiral drill pile technology in the boulder area,a detailed description of the analysis and control of key points of the construction process,quality control,and it demo...
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