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在下面的在线跟踪表格中输入FR Plus DTDC跟踪号码,即时跟踪您的快递,货物,货件和获取实时交货状态信息。 查询 FRPlus DTDC客户服务: - 电话号码: +91 80 33004444 联系webmail: 其他类似的信使,您可能想跟踪: - 荷兰邮政追踪 全球联盟跟踪 芯片快速跟踪 Zip Xpress跟踪 钻石海运集装...
Can I track a DTDC package by address? You can only use DTDC tracking with your tracking number. Check for a confirmation email from the sender. If you cannot find it, contact the sender and ask them for your tracking number. Alternatively, you can contactDTDC customer servicesfor help. ...
Enter tracking number to track DTDC India shipments and get delivery time online. Contact DTDC India and get REST API docs.
DTDC courier has a large market in India, online retailers trust its services. Calculate DTDC courier charges which is listed in this post.
Possibly the worst customer experience I've ever dealt with I'll pick up and delivery that would normally take 2 days with any other courier service has taken over a week (still not delivered and no dtdc staff have a clue saying that they are not trained for tracking)!!!??? and they...