Networking for Standardized Data Reporting (SDR) is an enhancement to Networking that helps fund companies and insurance carriers better monitor trading frequency and market timing
Producer Management Portal Settlement Processing for Insurance Subsequent Premiums User Group Information Mutual Fund Servicesexpand / collapse ACATS-Fund/SERV DCC&S DTCC Payment aXis Fund/SERV MF Info Xchange MFPS I MFPS II Networking Networking-RPR Networking-SDR Omni/SERV Transfer of Retirement ...
The DTCC has also been publishing global market information weekly to increase the organization's transparency. The CFTC has also received SDR registration application from two of the DTCC's subsidiaries.EBSCO_bspFoi Future & Options Intelligence...
Retirement Plan Reporting Standardized Data Reporting (SDR) Omni/SERV DTCC Payment aXis MFPSI MFPSII MF Info XchangeRepository & Derivatives Services Repository Services GTR CFTC/Canada/SEC GTR EU EMIR Refit GTR UK EMIR Refit GTR EU/UK (SFTR) GTR Australia (ASIC) Rewrite GTR Singapore (MAS) ...
摘要: The article announces that Michael Dunn was appointed as non-executive director of the Depository Trust and Clearing Corp.'s (DTCC) Swap Data Repository (SDR).年份: 2012 收藏 引用 批量引用 报错 分享 全部来源 求助全文 EBSCO 相似文献...
LLC (DDR). DDR is registered as a Swap Data Repository (SDR) with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), a registered Security-Based Swap Data Repository (SBSDR) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and is authorized by Canadian regulators to provide ...
DTCC在全球范围内运营贸易储存库。在美国,它通过其美国交换数据存储库(SDR)向CFTC提交交易报告。 DTCC还经营着由日本金融服务局JFSA批准的贸易储存库。 DTCC亚洲GTR业务区域负责人Oliver Williams表示:“我们支持MAS通过股票和大宗商品报告制度来不断提高透明度并降低衍生品市场风险,我们将继续与MAS和业界合作,增加由报...
Email ROW : (no restricted content) Connections The minimum connections required for an SDR-H2 to join a Mesh network are power and antennas. An Ethernet connection to a PC is required for initial configuration.Bring the contact terminals of the battery and SOL8SDR-H2 together firmly, as ...
+ 为Update操作设置自定义表达式。 + + as:"a=a+1"如:"a=a+1" + + + + Parameterized pass [used when the Where condition is a parameterized (such as: name = @ name) statement] + 参数化传参[当Where条件为参数化(如:name=@name)语句时使用] + + paraName参数名称 + value参数值 + + ...