Properties of Boolean functions satisfying the Strict Avalanche Criterion (SAC) are studied. A new method of constructing SAC functions is proposed, and it is proved that the Hamming weight of SAC functions with n variables belongs to the set W(n)={k|2n-2 3 2 2 − £ £ × n k...
fordindepths: clf =DTC(criterion='entropy',min_samples_leaf=d) clf_dict=cross_validate(clf,X,y,cv=10,scoring='accuracy') test_mse.append(clf_dict['test_score'].mean()) train_mse.append(clf_dict['train_score'].mean()) sns.set(style='darkgrid') plt.plot(depths,train_mse,'b-',...
到目前为止,EA 旗下的 DICE、Motive、Criterion 和 Ripple Effect 工作室正在开发这款游戏,Vince Zampella 负责指挥整个开发过程。