Definition & Meaning of "DT"What does dt mean? View the definition of dt and all related slang terms containing dt below: dt : double teamUsage of DTIn basketball, the term 'double team' is used to describe a defensive strategy where two players work together to guard one offensive ...
Definition & Meaning of "WDYWTDT" What doeswdywtdtmean? View the definition ofwdywtdtand all related slang terms containingwdywtdtbelow: wdywtdt : Why Do You Want To Do That? Usage of WDYWTDT The abbreviation WDYWTDT is a shortened version of the phrase "Why Do You Want To Do That?"....
The Meaning of DTMWTD DTMWTD means "Don't Tell Me What To Do" So now you know - DTMWTD means "Don't Tell Me What To Do" - don't thank us. YW! What does DTMWTD mean? DTMWTD is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the DTMWTD definition is gi...
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DT is also a slang term only used by people in the United States when texting or messaging on Facebook or other apps. As it stands for destination tag, there isn’t a calcific meaning associated with it other than simply being an acronym for an action. ...
Abbr.Meaning GL General Ledger Accounting, Finance, Business OR Ordinarily Resident Military, Resident, Ireland AA Account Assignment Asset, Assignment, Account AUC Asset under Custody Asset, Custody, Banking GDP Gross Domestic Product Finance, Economics, Business OFAC Office of Foreign Assets Control Go...
the project is geared to be “international friendly,” meaning English songs About the Crew: TVN‘s introduction of the crew mirrors the intro used at the 2010 Asian Music Awards, highlighting what areas each crew member is from and their accomplishments. ROSCOE UMALI Artists and Entertainment ...
1)There’s A Meaning Behind The Pillow Fights When MFBTY was still a joke between Tiger and fans, they created “wonderland,” which was a figurative place where JK and fans could say and do anything, almost like a child getting lost in a mysterious world. Tiger would playfully say, “...
Suggest new definition This definition appears very frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Slang/chat, popular culture See otherdefinitions of DT Other Resources: We have 62 othermeanings of DTin our Acronym Attic ...
Slang, Chat & Pop culture (0) Sort results: alphabetical | rank ? Rank Abbr.Meaning ADDT Advanced Data Driven Testing (online testing) ADDT Automatic Data Distribution Tool ADDT Alternate Day L-Dopa Therapy (neurology) ADDT Advanced Data Dispersion Technology (cyber defense weapon) Note...