这把枪的型号明明是mdr啊,dt是他的公司沙漠科技desert tech的缩写啊。管这把枪叫dt就好比管m4a1叫柯尔特一样,或者说m4知名度太高了例子不恰当,kac sr25结果很多人都管mdr叫dt好奇怪啊~ 2318320 逃离塔科夫吧 空白的眼瞳 求助不懂就问,762DT和MK17各自的优势区间是什么这两把枪到底哪个好一点 分享51 逃离...
Actually, the MDR and the SCAR-L are both better than a M4 or HK 416. Well... most weapons are better than M4 and HK 416 at the same recoil. 2ndly you can use this for ranged shots https://tarkov-ballistics.com/ .But this is for ammonition and not the weapon itself. Mariner...