gyro_zero,6); //读取陀螺仪零点 STMFLASH_Read(MAG_ZERO_ADDR,(uint8_t*)&imu_9.mag_zero,6); //读取磁力计零点 STMFLASH_Read(MAG_OFFSET_XSF_ADDR,(uint8_t*)&xsf_read_buf,2); // STMFLASH_Read(MAG_OFFSET_YSF_ADDR,(uint8_t*)&ysf_read_buf,2); // if(imu_9.acc_zero[0]==...
. These transmissions were in higher frequency bands where the requisite antenna length (at least in vacuo) is shorter than that required for VLF emission (3–30 kHz), and where propagation was nearly line-of-sight, i.e., at frequencies higher than the in situ plasma frequency and gyro...
其它的通道都可以选择“INH”、“ACT”“GYRO”。如果选择“INH”那么上面所做的选择开关的分配都是无效的,只有选成“ACT”这样上面的开关或者旋钮的分配才会起作用。至于“GYRO”陀螺仪的设置一般我们在固定翼上是用不到的。 这么一来大家就明白了,其实9XII的各通道也是可以通过设置来随意控制的。那么有的朋友...
1. stabilize_camera.m Stabilizes an input video using a video and gyro samples as input. 2. meshwarp.m Computes the frame warping transformation from the gyro samples. 3. camera_param_search.m Calibrates the camera using a video, gyro samples and features from a feature tracker. Recovers ...
function [c t0 ts] = solve_affine(gyro, frame_time, W, video_file) dT = diff(gyro(:,4)); theta = ((gyro(1:end-1,1:3) + gyro(2:end,1:3)) / 2) .* dT(:,[1 1 1]); theta = [0 0 0; cumsum(theta, 1)]; c = 0; t0 = -0.1564; ts = 0; alpha_c = 1e-3;...