ADEPT TECHNOLOGY EJI MODULE 10332-00505 1033200505 *USED TESTED* ADEPT TECHNOLOGY SMARTCONTROLLER CS 10000-310 10000310 ADEPT TECHNOLOGY CONTROLLER MV-5A MV5A 30340-10100 3034010100 *USED TESTED* Adept Technology VGB 3 10332-10250 Rev P8 Adept Technology 10332-00714 Processor Board 01-W33960B 72A...
DS微流通池,金刚石 K4光导管_RIR用 ReactIR Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA) Module The ReactIR DS Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA) module enables users to regularly validate wavenumber accuracy and calibrate, if necessary, to a......
Measure and monitor continuous flow chemistry with DS Micro Flow Technology. ReactIR Instrument Performance Assurance (IPA) Module Validate ReactIR wavenumber accuracy and calibrate to a Polystyrene standard certified by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)...
Products Solution HMI Design Studio Support About Pro-face Products Solution HMI Design Studio Support About Pro-face CLOSE PL-5910 Series Windows 2000 DST Update Module Summary Detail Terms of use / Cautions Please acknowledge the following terms of use before you use our download service.Download...
extent dstcounterforcli [ module name ] 参数说明 参数 参数说明 取值 module name 计数信息类型。 取值为io、init、migr、iom、common或dra,各取值说明如下: io:I/O部分计数信息。 init:初始化部分计数信息。 migr:迁移部分计数信息。 iom:监控部分计数信息。 common:公共部分计数信息。 dra:排布分析部分...
CC CV DC 6.5-36V to 1.2-32V 5A 75W Step Down Buck Converter Power Supply Module Voltage Regulator Transformer with Case HeatsinkUSD 4.00-4.90/piece Feature: Limit conversion frequency: 20KHz. Size: 95*72*18mm Mounting Hole Size: 64*47mm, diameter 3mm. Application: 1. It can be used for...
-- 为了方便后续添加其它的动作,类似官方代码中的Recipe,将新动作的相关参数都集中存放在一个module中的若干table里 local actions_status,actions_data = pcall(require,"lf_actions") -- 这部分的代码是固定的,添加新的动作并不需要改动此处,只需要修改lf_actions.lua文件中的内容 if actions_status then -- ...
--模块通过同名模板:DSTRecipe直接调用,具体见/wiki/模板:DSTRecipe/doc --模块还提供了配方相关的各个工具函数,具体见各函数的注释 --本模块依赖数据Data:ItemTable.tabx和数据Data:DSTRecipes.tabx --LongLiveMr鲁鲁 localInventoryNew=require('Module:InventoryNew') ...