1、新建一个在Klei下的文件夹(名字你可以随意)2、将我们生成好的地面世界,洞穴世界等配置文件拷贝到我们刚刚建立的文件夹下记得这个token文件也要拷贝,这是官方授权给你使用DST的密码(相当于就是类似于密钥之类) 8楼2019-01-01 11:07 收起回复 内心片空白 木甲长矛 7 (5)打开DST安装目录→bin→scripts,...
Is it possible to add mods to don’t starve together console edition. If so can it please be like how fallout 4 has a mod page for Xbox players to add mods. I would really love to play dst with mods and have been wanting to for a long time. If it’s not possible I would like...
1133I'm #$%^& Tilting | First Playthrough | !KLEI for Free Kleipoints| !dstmods共计2条视频,包括:阿莫瑞斯2023-09-27T11_33_38、阿莫瑞斯2023-09-27T11_42_30等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
DST服务器是指Don't Starve Together服务器的缩写。Don't Starve Together(简称DST)是一款由Klei Entertainment开发的多人合作生存游戏。在这款游戏中,玩家需要共同努力来建立基地、采集资源、打造武器并对抗各种怪物和其他挑战。 DST服务器是游戏的服务器,它提供了一个在线的平台,让玩家可以连接到游戏的多人模式。玩...
饥荒联机版的制作栏在最近的更新中经历了一次重大改版。原本的边栏TAB形式被过滤器所取代,这一改动为制作栏的设计带来了极大的灵活性和丰富性。在新版制作栏中,物品可以归属于任意过滤器,甚至允许玩家自定义过滤器,大大拓宽了游戏的可玩性。 为了适应这一变化,Klei 针对制作栏的改动发布了新的ModAPI。为了帮助大家更...
This is where the other docs shine. Feel free to visit theKlei Forum, or learn from other mods. In short, DST is very open, and you can look at the source code to find which global functions to override. I've only used Lua for a short time, but some tips that may help: ...
Klei Accounts How do I create or register a Klei account? -How to create a Klei Account I am not receiving an email to verify my Klei Account, what should I do? -From time to time, some email services may get overzealous email blocking. If you have ano...
Can anyone tell me exact maximum size allowed for Don't Starve Together mod (I mean workshop, of course)? Yeah, I saw another topic about that on this website, but there's no exact answer and topic was about Don't Starve mods. I can tell that 200MB is too large, but what is ...
在文件内添加ForceEnableMod("workshop-***")则强制启用Mod,Mod ID可以在mods文件夹下找到,将需要启用Mod ID分别用ForceEnableMod("***")语句填入modsettings.lua文件并保存。新建modoverrides.lua文件(推荐)在Documents\Klei\DoNotStarveTogether下新建一个名为modoverrides后缀为lua的文件,使用记事本(任何编辑器即可...
# 表示需要从klei申请dedicated_DST_server_key,文件名:cluster_token.txt cluster_key = supersecretkey 4. modoverrides.lua 该内容是世界的mod配置 return { ["workshop-1172839635"]={ configuration_options={ icebox_freeze="-5" }, enabled=true }, ["workshop-1207269058"]={ configuration_options={ ...