Such as for example- Fighting Deerclops in Winter, but your Campfire is dying, and being close to Deerclops has caused your sanity to drain enough Nightmare Creatures are Spawning, there’s a Nearby MacTusk camp that if you get too close to your going to get Sniper Shot, and to top all...
-at least two mac tusk camp will spawn(mactusk respawn every 5 days) -- temperature drops very fast upon entering the biome for spring biome; -always be normal raining in day and evening but stops at night -the whole area will have like 5 of the berry bush&pond set piec...
Still wanting that eyeball, I stayed put and started spamming sling rounds at the deerclops while tentacles did work. Unfortunately, the hounds caused me to become insane, and two terrorbeaks joined the fight. TWOorange gems in one single tumbleweed. I remember being scared at the odds, like ...