The D-Link DSR-150 rev A2 router has No WiFi, 8 100mbps ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports.Quick links:Default password/LoginLogin instructions Other versions of the DSR-150 DSR-150 rev A2 router specifications (specs) System specsCPU: 600 MHzRAM: 128 MiBFlash: 32 MiBCustom firmwares: None Co...
The D-Link DSR-150 A2 router has No WiFi, 8 100mbps ETH-ports and 0 USB-ports. Quick links: Default password/Login Login instructions Other versions of the DSR-150 DSR-150 A2 router specifications (specs) System specs CPU: 600 MHz RAM: 128 MiB Flash: 32 MiB Custom firmwares: ...