Above we report experts’ suggestions that end user engagement will be driven byconsumerism– the adoption of smart home technologies for which dDSR is an afterthought. We also saw how market ‘innovations’ to the challenge of low-cost demand response took the form of dirtydieselgeneration, a ...
(2009) proposed Soft DSR approach that incorporates aspects of Soft Systems Methodology (that is a form of AR) into a DSR process. According to Baskerville (2008), although “doing” design science may look a lot like ‘doing’ action research, there are fundamental differences between them ...
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The meatln& carried on every second Wednesday, always at Carolyn'.% One night Sally enchanted everyone by readii from a children's novel she was wrltlng - about a boy and girl on a quest to fmd the magic code to release a Thought trapped ,in bodily form. We applauded when slm fmis...