In addition, management of radio power so that the packet transmissions are tailored to reach only the desired nodes seems to be a good compromise between interference and coverage.doi:10.1007/s10776-020-00481-9Eduardo E. A. PereiraElvio J. Leonardo...
(2023), (International Association of Engineers). All Rights Reserved.Hyperspectral image (HSI) has been widely applied in many fields because of its rich ground target information. Classification is one of the effective means to explore the information in HSIs. However, some HSIs contain shadow...
The study suggests promoting DSR as a viable alternative to TPR in suitable areas through extension services and technology demonstrations; training and encouraging rice farmers to practice efficient weed control techniques including proper water management and land preparation, and to use technologies...
Published on 24 April 2023, the strategic direction that that the DSR has called for is for a new whole-of-government 'National Defence' approach that will pay much stronger attention to the defence of Australia by deploying forces at range that will carry out a "strategy of denial" in ...
Schlimbach, RicardaKhosrawi-Rad, BijanGrogorick, LindaBecker, FelixStrohmann, TimoSiemon, DominikRobra-Bissantz, SusanneJournal of Information Systems Education
Yes, I could probably have sourced another plastic tank but I thought this would be a good opportunity to improve my turningskills by makingan aluminium replacement tank on the lathe.Tim HooperRCM&E
In proactive routing protocols, route information is created on a table-based basis, while in reactive routing protocols, route information is created on a request basis. Change in speed as a mobility factor affects the performance of routing protocols positively or negatively. ...
CLASSIFICATIONALGORITHMSDimension reduction is one of the most sought-after strategies to cope with high-dimensional ever-expanding datasets. To address this, a novel deep-learning architecture has been designed with multiple deconstruction and single reconstruction layers for non-negative matrix ...
Studies of this type of microorganism are critical considering the possibility of survival and colonization of psychrophilic sulphate reducers in other planets and icy satellites.Mosquera, SergioIvey, MackChevrier, Vincent F.International Journal of Astrobiology...
DSR and BBR evaluationTime-temperature equivalenceprincipleBurgers modelBINDERPurpose In order to evaluate the rheological properties of asphalt more comprehensively and effectively, and to explore and discuss the practicability of relevant models in the evaluation of the rheological properties of asphalt. ...