The Academia-Industry partnership has been increasingly encouraged in the software development field. The main focus of the initiatives is driven by the collaborative work where the scientific research work meets the real needs of the Industry. Aiming to
DSRAODVTraffic matrixSecret keyAutomatic key establishment schemes are the root of secure communication in Mobile adhoc networks(MANETs). These schemes are not universal, their performance depends on many factors like routing protocols, type of attackers aimed at, the parameter used for key ...
DSRnumerical simulationheterogeneous approachcomplex modulusstrain distributionMastic and mortar are two bituminous composites which play a fundamental role in defining bituminous mixes properties. Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to study the behaviour of these materials according to time and ...
The attack which operates by falsely claiming a fresh route to destination is a kind of denial of service is known as Sink hole attack. On the other hand black hole attack, intentionally dropped the incoming packets through malicious node in between the intermediately nodes. In this research ...
DSR-EW协议能量权重传输性能针对动态源路由(Dynamic Source Routing,DSR)协议在无人机飞行速度较快的情况下,网络拓扑剧烈变化所导致的链路易断裂以及数据传输效率较低等问题,提出一种基于能量权重的DSR协议(DSR-Energy Weights,DSR-EW).在路由寻找过程中,通过计算传输损耗,得到传输链路的能量权重,进而获得整条传输路径...
COMPARATIVE studiesAutomatic key establishment schemes are the root of secure communication in Mobile adhoc networks(MANETs). These schemes are not universal, their performance depends on many factors like routing protocols, type of attackers aimed at, the parameter used for key generation, etc. ...
基于DSR模型的新疆入境旅游流耦合关系研究doi:10.3969/j.issn.1003-0972.2021.01.012Based on DSR model, the index system of inbound tourism was constructed. And based on the inbound tourism data of Xinjiang from 2003 lo 2017, the coupling degree model and coupling coordination degr...
胰岛素抵抗KDSR基因神经酰胺花旗泽仁蛋白激酶Cζ/蛋白激酶B/叉头蛋白O1目的花旗泽仁是临床治疗IR的经验良方,其机制尚不明确.该文从KDSR基因角度,探讨花旗泽仁是否通过干扰KDSR的表达而改善IR.方法正常HepG2细胞中过表达KDSR基因,给药花旗泽仁,同时建立IR细胞模型,给药花旗泽仁,利用qRT-PCR,Western blot技术检测KDSR...
Two different types of waste oils together with a commercial rejuvenator are used. The rejuvenated bitumen samples are evaluated from both rheological and microstructural aspects. In addition, mixture testing also employed to investigate the effectiveness of used rejuvenators. Experimental studies on ...