-查询组的描述:`dsquery group -name "sales" | dsget group -desc` 3.组合使用dsquery和dsget: -查询用户所在组:`dsquery user -samid "john.doe" | dsget user -memberof` -查询组成员:`dsquery group -name "sales" | dsget group -members` 4.查询子对象: -查询域下的所有用户:`dsquery user`...
使用dsmod group 命令可以移除用户从组中,例如:dsmod group "CN=IT,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com" -rmmbr "CN=John Doe,CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com" 查找特定组的成员数量: 使用dsget group 命令可以查找特定组的成员数量,例如:dsget group "CN=IT,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com" -members | find /c...
EN在DSQUERY中,当查找AD对象时,我希望找到一个DL (通讯组)或AD安全组,并找到它的所有用户(即使在...
Active Directory:DSQUERYCommandsDSQUERY Commands to query AD objects:-1. How to find all members for a particular group. dsget group "<DN of the group>" -members1a. How to Active Directory 原创 有伊说一 2014-10-23 15:40:40 4110阅读 ...
Active Directory:DSQUERYCommandsDSQUERY Commands to query AD objects:-1. How to find all members for a particular group. dsget group "<DN of the group>" -members1a. How to Active Directory 原创 有伊说一 2014-10-23 15:40:40 4110阅读 ...
ADMT Group Migration - Confused by Copy Group Members ADMT user migration using include file ADMT: Unable to create or merge object as another instance of ADMT is... Adprep encountered an LDAP error.(Error code: 0x20. Server extended error code: 0x208d, Server error message: 0000208D) ADPR...
dsquery group “ou=Security Groups,ou=Groups,ou=AEX1,ou=FSPR,dc=corp,dc=mycompany,dc=com” -limit 999 >>temp.txt : add list of all security groups and their members for /f “tokens=1 delims=*” %%a in (temp.txt) do dsget group %%a -samid | find /v “samid” | find /v ...
1. How to find all members for a particular group. dsget group "<DN of the group>" -members a. How to find all groups for a particular member (including nested groups) dsget user "<DN of the user>" -memberof -expand dsquery user -samid "username" | dsget user -memberof -expan...
Active Directory:DSQUERYCommandsDSQUERY Commands to query AD objects:-1. How to find all members for a particular group. dsget group "<DN of the group>" -members1a. How to Active Directory 原创 有伊说一 2014-10-23 15:40:40 4108阅读 ...