4、要做DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP前需要做两个准备工作,(1)brev[64]倒置数组(2)tw_gen ()旋转因子 5、调用DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(N, x_sp, w_sp, y_sp, brev, 4, 0, N); 例:做 float x_sp [8] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8};的FFT,需要把此数组变成复数数组(重重重重点) 改成:float x_sp [16]...
4、要做DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP前需要做两个准备工作,(1)brev[64]倒置数组(2)tw_gen ()旋转因子 5...
大家好,最近在调试互相关算法,但是运算结果总是有问题,经过排查我发现是DSPF_sp_ifftSPXSP()运算错误,为此我专门测试了一个程序: #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include <D:/ti/mathlib_c66x_3_0_1_1/inc/mathlib.h> #include <D:/ti/dsplib_c66x_3_1_0_0/...
I called the FFT API functions DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(int N, float *ptr_x, float *ptr_w, float *ptr_y, unsigned char *brev, int n_min, int offset, int n_max); in a program, and the arguments I set were like that: N=1024, ptr_x was pointer to complex data input, ptr_w was ...
Thank you.DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP.zip And I find that, if I delete the following line in the link.cmd file, the program can work normally. .kernel: { *.obj (.text:optimized) { SIZE(_kernel_size) } } And If I change it to .kernel: { ...
OFDM.zip_DSPF_sp_dotprod_DSPF_sp_ifftSPxSP_ofdm orthogonality frequency division multiplexing 上传者:weixin_42659791时间:2022-09-14 21ic下载_研旭DSPF28335全套资料(视频+原理图+源码+技术文档...).rar 21ic下载_研旭DSPF28335全套资料(视频+原理图+源码+技术文档...) 网盘资源 自行下载 ...
首先,包含头文件 接着,添加库文件 然后,准备调用DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP函数,先做两个准备:第一个定义: unsigned char brev[64] = { 0x0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x30, 0x8, 0x28, 0x18, 0x38, 0x4, 0x24, 0x14, 0x34, 0xc, 0x2c, 0x1c, 0x3c, ...
首先,包含头文件 接着,添加库文件 然后,准备调用DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP函数,先做两个准备:第一个定义: unsigned char brev[64] = { 0x0, 0x20, 0x10, 0x30, 0x8, 0x28, 0x18, 0x38, 0x4, 0x24, 0x14, 0x34,
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: OMAP-L138 Recently I met a problem when using DSPF_sp_fftSPXSP() multi-pass function for OMAP-L138. When I use the single-pass
DSPF_sp_fftSPxSP(128, &x[2*384],&w[2*384],y,brev,4,384,512) The four 128 point sub FFTs in the "equivalent to" section are called with a radix of 4. I'm wondering if this is a typo in the documentation and should be calling these with a radix of 2 or does ...