大家好,6455下,调用DSP_fft16x16,按照说明 DSP_fft16x16,先产生旋转因子,然后调用,结果发现不正确,求帮助 1:生成的旋转因子会发生改变 2:输入的数据发生改变 3:fft输出结果不正确 谢谢!
使 DSP 内核 C6678成为唯一的工具是连接器命令文件、该文件指定存储器映射和范围、只要您确保代码从 L2或 MSMC 存储器运行、那么您就可以正常运行。 w[2*x] Twiddle 因子计算已在测试用例中进行了说明,您可以在此处找到: dsplib_c66x_3_4_0_2\packages/ti\dsplib\src\...
Question 2: IWR6843 DSS end with function MMWAVeib_WINDOwing16x16_evenlen WINDOwing and DSP_fft16x16 function for 1DFFT calculation, the results and matlab simulation were compared, found that the shape is basically the same, The amplitude gets lower. What was done in the above fun...