Protēa™ DSP software suite for Windows®Protea DSP Software is a single PC (Windows) suite for configuration and control of all Ashly DSP products Protea DSP includes all you need to complete an effective solution for a wide range of hospitality si
cationInterface)ofDSP.ThesoftwarehasalreadyusedinPCandDSP(TMS320F240)successfully. Keywords:DSP;Serial-CommunicationsInterface;TMS320C24X;PC 1引言 TMS320C24x是美国TI(德州仪器)公司专为电 机控制(DMC)应用而推出的一种低价格、高性能16 位定点运算DSP。该器件将高性能的DSP内核和丰 ...
With the help of the user’s interface of the software on PC, You can drag the modules at liberty. The modules support customized colors and can be located anywhere you want. There are text, image, button, statues, channels, meters, fader, frames and default modules for you to customize...
I'm looking to build CMSIS-DSP on a non-ARM target, ie: on a x64-PC for emulation/debug/test functions proposes. Is it possible? Where should I look at to be able to use CMSIS-DSP library to compile on GCC Linux?
摘要: 给出了一个基于TMS320DM6437 DSP的嵌入式网络实现方案,对该DSP的网络控制模块和NDK进行了深入的研究与分析,实现了NDK在不同外设的移植,并以SEED-DEC6437与PC之间网络通信为例,介绍了PC端Winsock与DSP的NDK开发流程。实验结果表明,使用移植过的NDK进行开发,可以有效地提高开发速度,减少开发时间。 关键词: ...
NU-Tech: implementing DSP Algorithms in a plug-in based software platform for real time audio applications This work presents a novel software platform called NU-Tech to implement real-time DSP algorithms in multi-channel scenarios. Running on a common PC, the overall framework is based on a ...
* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with FFmpeg; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street...
McDSP FutzBox is a distortion and noise generator plug-in for creating low-fidelity versions of audio signals. Typical post productions require distorted, or "futzed" versions of dialog and other tracks. Simulations of radios, cell phones and televisions are now available in a ...
Software Name: CraveDSP Crave Transient EQ for Windows Software File Name: CraveDSP-Crave-Transient-EQ-v1.0.2.rar Software Version: v1.0.2 File Size: 3.46 MB Developers:cravedsp File Password:123 Language: Multilingual Working Mode: Offline (You donÆt need an internet connection to use it...
为了使ARM与DSP建立连接,TI公司推出了DVSDK(Digital Video Software Development Kit)软件开发包,它集成了多种软件工具,包括支持独立DSP处理器和ARM处理器组件以及双核系统交互组件,各个组件之间紧密联系,形成了完整的开发套件[4-5]。DVSDK部分软件模块介绍如下。