为了避免混淆,更贴近实际,消除某些专业术语的贬义色彩,DSM-5在措辞方面发生了一些变化,如:一般躯体情况(general medical condition)改为其他躯体情况(another medical condition);精神发育迟滞(mental retardation)改为智能残疾(intellectual disability);语音障碍(phonological disorder)改为语音障碍(speech sound disorder);口...
美国精神病学会(APA)从1952年起制订《诊断与统计手册:精神障碍》(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders);后来称之为DSM-Ⅰ。1968年制订了第二版,DSM-Ⅱ。从1974年着手制订而在1980年正式出版的DSM—Ⅲ特别受到重视,因为它有一整套临床工作用的诊断标准,对于美国的、甚至世界各国的精神病学家说来...
参考文献 1. Bell, Carl C. 「DSM-IV: diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders.」 Jama 272.10 (1994): 828-829. 2. American Psychiatric Association Division of Research. 「Highlights of changes from dsm-iv to dsm-5: Somatic symptom and...
DSM-IV美国精神疾病诊断标准正道心理咨询网http://www.zgxl.net 关于DSM-IV的介绍 美国精神病学会(APA)从1952年起制订《诊断与统计手册:精神障碍》(Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders);后来称之为DSM-Ⅰ。1968年制订了第二版,DSM-Ⅱ。从1974年着手制订而在1980年正式出版的DSM—Ⅲ特别受到重...
Dilip V. JesteotherSachdev PS, Mohan A, Taylor L, Jeste DV. DSM-5 and mental disorders in older individuals: an overview. Harv Rev Psychiatry 2015; 23: 320-8.Sachdev PS,Mohan A,Taylor L,et al, DSM-5 and mental disorders in older individuals : an overview [J]. Harv Rev Psychiatry,...
作者: Mental Disorders and classification of mental disorders (ICD, DSMIV) Mental health and Psychiatry news 摘要: Diagnosis is the identification or recognition of a disorder on the basis of its characteristics. Making a diagnosis enables the clinician to refer to the base of knowledge that has...
Diagnostic And Statistical Manual Of Mental DisordersFifth Edition分类目录(22个类别) 一,神经发育障碍1,智力障碍 2,语言交流障碍 3,孤独症(自闭症)谱系障碍 4,注意缺陷/多动障碍 5,特定学习障碍 6,运动障碍 7,抽动障碍 二,精神分裂症谱系及其他精神病性障碍1,分裂型(人格)障碍(与人格障碍重叠) 2,妄想障碍...
DSM-IV: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, was developed with a great deal of input from mental health professionals and professional organizations. In addition, there was a significant collaboration between the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and the World Hea...
There are few reports from South Africa on how common mental disorders may be associated with HIV-related perceptions and behaviours.Between 2002 and 2004, 4351 South African adults were interviewed. Psychiatric diagnoses of depression, anxiety and substance abuse disorders were based on the Diagnostic...
讨论内容 DSM-5 的修订原则 躁狂或轻躁狂诊断标准A 的变化 轻躁狂发作持续时间标准的讨论 混合特征 第2 页/ 共35 页 . DSM-IV 存在的问题 很多患者被划分到NOS 类别中; 很多患者存在共病的问题; 人为划为导致就新类别的疾病出现; 不是基于客观证据划分诊断类别,缺乏科学性。 第3 页/ 共35 页 . DSM-5...