ADHD Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity DisordersFayyad J, Sampson NA, Hwang I, Adamowski T, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al- Hamzawi A, et al. The descriptive epidemiology of DSM-IV adult ADHD in the world health organization world mental health surveys. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord 2017;9(1):47-...
Adult ADHD Self-Report Symptom Checklist alcohol dependence syndrome alternating manic-depressive disorder antisocial behaviour anxiety disorders ataque de nervios athymia attention deficit disorder autosynnoia avoidant personality disorder Axis I Axis II Axis III Axis IV Axis V bipolar affective psychosis bi...
Current DSM-IV/CIDI adult ADHD prevalence averaged 2.8% across surveys and was higher in high (3.6%)- and upper-middle (3.0%)- than low-/lower-middle (1.4%)-income countries. Conditional prevalence of current ADHD averaged 57.0% among childhood cases and 41.1% among childhood subthreshold ...
Lower rates of substance usedisorders in both adult and adolescent populations have also been reportedfor island Puerto Ricans, as compared with findings in mainland populations.41,42 The lower rates appear to be relatedto the extent to which correlates of these disorders appear on the island,the...
a根据DSM-Ⅳ诊断标准,98名(51%)儿童ADHD持续到成人早期。共患ODD(P=0.009,OR=3.14(1.33~7.40))和接受治疗(P=0.004,OR=9.56(2.09~43.67))的患者,ADHD更容易持续到成人早期。 According to DSM-ⅣThe diagnosis standard, 98 (51%) child ADHD continues to the adult early time.Altogether contracts ODD(P...
A new tool has been developed to screen for adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) using theDiagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition(DSM-5) criteria. This is the first screening scale using DSM-5 criteria, and it basically differs from its DSM-IV counte...
Faraone, S. V., & Biederman, J. (2005). What is the prevalence of adult ADHD? Results of a population screen of 966 adults.Journal of Attention Disorders,9(2), 384–391. ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar Fargason, R. E., & Ford, C. V. (1994). Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in...
DSM criteria are largely developed by and for researchers. Prior to 1994 the categories were attention deficit disorder, either with hyperactivity or without hyperactivity. Those terms make more sense to parents. In particular, parents of daydreamers (ADHD, inattention) never understand why “hyperacti...
ADHD • Depression/anxiety • Self-harm • Substance misuse • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) • Learning disability • Tourette syndrome • Autistic spectrum disorder View article Research and Methods Thomas A.Widiger,Kimberly I.Saylor, inComprehensive Clinical Psychology, 1998 ...
There are still uncertainties on the psychometric validity of the DSM-5 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) criteria for its use in the adult population. We aim to describe the adult ADHD phenotype, to test the psychometric properties of the DSM-5 ADHD criteria, and to calculate the...