(2006). DSM- defined anxiety disorder symptoms in South African youth: Their assessment and relationship with perceived parental rearing behaviors. Behavior Research and Therapy, 44, 883-896.Muris, P., Loxton, H., Neumann, A., du Plessis, M., King, N., & Ollendick, T. (2006). DSM-...
Dive into the research topics of 'Diagnostic efficiency of symptoms in the diagnosis of DSM-IV: Generalised anxiety disorder in youth'. Together they form a unique fingerprint. Cite this APA Standard Harvard Vancouver Author BIBTEX RIS Pina, A. A., Silverman, W. K., Alfano, C. A....
To examine DSM-IV–defined anxiety disorder symptoms in a large sample of normal South African schoolchildren. Children completed two self-report questionnaires: the Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) and the 41-item version of the Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders (SCARED)....
Diagnostic efficiency of symptoms in the diagnosis of DSM–IV: generalized anxiety disorder in youth.AnxietyassessmentdiagnosisDSMGADscreeningBackground: Evaluated five probability indices, including odds ratios, to determine relative contribution of Uncontrollable Excessive Worry (DSM–IV criterion A and ...
manifested as an anxious temperament. Onset of the disorder rarely occurs prior to adolescence. The symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder tend to be chronic and wax and wane across the lifespan, fluctuating between syndromal and subsyndromal forms of the disorder. Rates of full remission are ...
39-41 A further possibility specific to GAD is that cognitive symptoms of the disorder may be reported less frequently than somatic symptoms in developing countries,42,43 implying that clinically significant anxiety in those countries may be missed by the DSM-5 emphasis on worry. Another ...
1.重度神经认知障碍 Major Neurocognitive Disorder 2.轻度神经认知障碍 Mild Neurocognitive Disorder 3.由于阿尔海默兹病所致的重度或轻度神经认知障碍 Major or Mild Neurocognitive Disorder Due toAlzheimer’s Disease (学习与记忆)AD--1st cause of demetia--记不得最近的事情 recent event ...
研究成果已在线发表于Journal of Anxiety Disorders和European Journal of Psychotraumatology期刊: Wang, L., Cao, X., Cao, C., Fang, R., Yang, H., & Elhai, J. D. (2017). Factor structure of DSM-5 PTSD symptoms in trauma-exposed adoles...
Childhood and adolescence is the core risk phase for the development of anxiety symptoms and syndromes, ranging from transient mild symptoms to full-blown anxiety disorders. This article critically reviews epidemiological evidence covering prevalence, incidence, course, and risk factors. The core ...
Because GAD lacks the prominent panic, phobic, and obsessive-compulsive symptoms of other anxiety disorders, the present findings provide strong support for a nonspecific link between panic disorder/agoraphobia and DSM-III PDs/traits and for the presence of common personality characteristics in anxiety ...